Found this great shot of Todd and Greg with there uncle Wayne Dennett and crew dude Larry at Antioch Speedway. Wayne was a great guy and was at all there races from micros , BCRA Midget Lites and BCRA/USAC Midgets we hung out many many times over the years. Sad to know he’s gone but the memory of my friend Wayne Dennett is still alive in this photo.
It is with great sadness to report Northern California racing family has lost a member. Norm Rapp legendary driver, parts supplier and all around great guy at the track and off. Had many chat’s with him and he would tell stories of him racing that will be missed. Regret never making it to his shop but will cherish the time I did get with him at the track. Here’s some shot’s I had the pleasure of taking of the legend himself Norm Rapp who will be missed by all that knew him. RIP My friend
It is with great sadness to report that the California racing family has lost a member. Legendary Announcer Kenny Takeuchi the voice of many tracks he entertained thousands of race fan’s , who will never forget his unique voice. He all way’s took time for everyone and his “How are you” greeting will be missed by all that knew him. The last few years we would chat often he would give me a history lesson continuing to the future of racing in CA. He was active tell the end and will be missed by all those that heard his voice through PA’s all over the State. Kenny will be remembered as one of the best and his voice will never be forgotten. RIP My Friend
It is with great sadness to report Northern California racing family has lost a member. What can you say about Morrie Williams nothing bad he was a great man and car owner to many great drivers. A winner on and off the track. I will miss our short chats at the track and your classic smile it didn’t matter if you had won or lost. Long live the memories of the legendary car Owner Morrie Williams. Please keep his loving wife Katie in your thoughts in this tough time